French courses for professionals
Learning French can improve your carrer development
You are a company which has international collaborators ?
You are an expatriate worker in France, a foreign employee, a foreigner changing careers or seeking for a job ?
Understanding and mastering the usage of the French language is a very important issue for your career path. It determines :
- Your success
- Your integration within your team or trading partners
- Your independence
- Your job security
- Your promotion and career development
French for professional purposes course
We help you to succeed and support you to strenghten and enhance your language skills in your profesional field.
Understand the French corporate culture, French companies operating, life in France |
Acquire know-how, interpersonal skills and linguistic tools to understand and interact with your co-workers, your line management, your clients (hosting business visitors, phoning, speaking out in public, handling a meeting professionaly, asking appropriate questions... |
Improve your writing (writing letters, reports, emails...) |
Develop a now technical vocabulary related to your activity |
Read and understand specialist articles, business correspondences and documents |
Use new technoligies to communicate |
Manage your timetable (make an appointment, prepare business trip, participate to a business lunch |
Introduce your company and your activity |
Resolve workplace conflict through discussion, coaching, mediation |
Negociate and set out your arguments |
Improve your job-seeking (respond to a recruitment ad, write your resume and cover letter, prepare and pass your interview... |
Legal French |
Medical French |
Diplomatic, human rights and international relations French |
Business French |
Tourism and gastronomic French |
Oenology French |
You have to notice, that French for specific purposes (FOS) is a French language courses and not an academic course about the discipline choosen. You are the expert in the field you work in, we are experts in linguistic.